September Newsletter

Haliburton Highlands Secondary School Newsletter – September 20, 2024

School is back in full swing and there are so many great things happening already! There are many ways to get involved beyond the classroom: extra-curriculars, intramural, clubs and spirit days!

Please encourage your child to get involved in whatever capacity they feel comfortable doing! 


  • Girls Basketball
  • Boys Volleyball
  • Golf
  • Cross Country Running
  • Girls Rugby
  • Boys Soccer – all grades welcome, after school practices. See Mr. Fockler to still join. 

The cost to play a Kawartha League team sport is $100/sport. More info in our Handbook about this.
If the cost is holding you back from participating, please reach out to Jenn Mills.


  • Daily Lunch Intramural: Activities in the gym everyday at lunch 
  • Interact Club: This is a humanitarian club where our motto is: “Service above self”.  We work in partnership with the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs.  All are welcome! Tuesdays at Lunch in Room 5.
  • J.E.D.I. (GSA) Team: ongoing throughout the year
  • Book Club/Battle of the Books: Meets Wednesdays at lunch in the library beginning October 4. 
  • Creative Café: Come create a monthly DIY project! Last Thursday of the month at lunch time in room 3. Everyone Welcome. 
  • Music Club: Will include choir, musical participation in the drama production, and other opportunities. 
  • Wellness Warriors: Monday at lunch in Rm 6
  • Debate Club: Starting October: Tuesdays and Thursdays @ Lunch in room 16.
  • Chess Club: Starting in November.
  • Drama Club: All are welcome! Various opportunities: At least one extra-curricular, annual production; drama productions in-class; choir options; community partnerships.
  • Hawk’s Nest Weight Room – Everyone is welcome Monday to Thursday. 3:15 – 4:30 pm.

Listen to Announcements for specific Dates & Times
Thank you so much to the staff members who volunteer their time to give students the opportunities to participate in so many activities! We appreciate you!! 

HHSS is dedicated to supporting students and communicating student progress to families. This progress report is intended to provide students and parents with a snapshot of student progress at the very beginning of a course of study. At this time, learning skills will only be assessed as good, satisfactory, or needs improvement.   There will be no marks provided, as there has not been enough time passed to give an accurate percentage. Teachers will also indicate if an “interview is requested”. If this is requested, please contact the teacher or make sure you connect with them during our Meet the Teacher Night. Even if this is not requested, you are encouraged to come and meet your child’s teacher(s)

All progress reports will be generated digitally and emailed to parents and students. There will be one report emailed for each class in which the student is enrolled. Therefore, typically, parents and students should expect to receive four emails (one for each class). If you would like a printed copy of the progress report, please contact the school. Progress reports will be shared electronically with parents/guardians and students on Friday, September 27

Parents/Guardians are invited to “Meet the Teacher” Night at HHSS on Wednesday October 2 from 5-7 pm. All teachers will be set up in the cafeteria. If you cannot attend this evening and want to chat, please reach out to your child’s teacher to set up a time to talk. All staff email addresses are on our website. We hope to see you there!

On September 30, 2024, during period 1 and 2, our TLDSB Indigenous Student Success Team is joining our school community to come together with local Elders Knowledge Holders and community members who will share messages of truth, resiliency, and the importance of being part of reconciliation.  Below is background information about our Indigenous community members coming into HHSS and presenting to students and staff in our cafeteria. There will also be a “Story Walk” around the field that Ms. Carr and her leadership team have put together. We are looking forward to learning together. 

Larry O’Connor is an Odawa Anishinaabe Knowledge Holder and member of Sheshegwaning First Nation residing in Haliburton County. Larry promotes understanding of cultures, truths and relationships in Canada drawing on his personal learning journey and teachings he has received along the way. Larry is an avid beader and he is the host of CANOE FM’s Tales from the Big Canoe. Larry will be coming to our school multiple times this school year.

Brittany Taylor is a First Nations Michi Saagiig Kwe — singer, drummer, artist, storyteller, educator, entrepreneur and more — from Treaty 20 territory. Through storytelling, sharing of experiences and teachings, music and more, Brittany fosters understanding of the many important relationships and teachings from these lands. Brittany will be coming to our school multiple times this school year.

The annual HHSS Terry Fox Run/Red and White Day will be held on Wednesday, October 9 during period 2 (10:15 – 11:30 am). This year marks the 27th anniversary of the Terry Fox Run at HHSS. In those 27 years, HHSS has raised over $100 000 for the Terry Fox Foundation (Cancer Research). Our goal this year is to raise $4 000 or more. 

Students are eligible to participate in the Terry Fox Run by completing any (or all) of the following:

  1. Making a minimum donation of $ 5 (debit in the main office or cash).
  2. Buy a Terry Fox T-shirt for $ 25.75. You can purchase one on your child’s register in School Cash Online or purchase with debit in the main office. 
  3. Donate online (either individually or as a family…credit card needed)! Here is our HHSS Terry Fox Run school link to donate online:

Thanks for your support!

The Learning Hub: Anyone wanting help or a quiet place to work at lunch can come to the room off the library. It is also open after school everyday until 3:45 with a staff member to support students with homework, organization or offer a quiet place to be. 

Math/Homework Club (Thursdays): Anyone who wants help with Math or other subjects and/or a place to do homework can come to the library Thursdays after school from 3:30-5:00 pm.

If students are struggling or need help, the best place to start is with their classroom teacher.

Our first meeting of the year is September 24 at 7:00 pm in the HHSS library. If you want more info please email Jenn Mills or look in the last section of the Student Handbook! It’s a great way to be a part of the amazing things happening at HHSS!

Other dates if you can’t make the first one:
October 22, 2024
November 19, 2024
January 21, 2025
March 18, 2025
April 15, 2025
June 10, 2025

All parents/guardians are welcome!

It’s that time of year again. The Royal Canadian Legion’s mission is to support our Veterans and educate the next generation. Every year we encourage students, both in school and homeschooling in our community to participate in the National Youth Remembrance Contests. This year we are aiming to have the entries back before our Remembrance Dinner, so we can hang them around the hall to show our Veterans the students’ hard work.

Due Date: October 25th 2024 (in the morning to the HHSS main office – the Legion will pick up from there)

More information:

Remembrance Day Contest Information Letter 
Contest Entry Form
You can also speak to Mr. Longo if you have questions. 

The Cafeteria is now open: It will be open everyday in the morning, at 1st break and at lunch. They will start to add more items as the weeks progress. Lunch only this Monday.

Breakfast Club: Every morning we have amazing community volunteers who make breakfast items for all students to take for free. It is outside room 15 and there is always an assortment of delicious food available to grab on your way to class (muffins, pancakes, yogurt & granola, fruit, eggs…).

Food in the Learning Hub: There are snacks in the learning hub all day for students to grab if they need a snack. We also have items to make lunch for students if they forget their lunch. 

Hospitality Class Lunches: Mrs. Searle & Ms. Smith’s food classes will continue to make hot lunches a few times a week for students to purchase to cover their costs. Each week we will send out what lunch food they are making that week. Pick up in room 15. 

Next Week (Sept 23 – 27):

  • Monday: Grilled Cheese $3
  • Tuesday: Burgers $3 or Cheese Burger $4
  • Both days: Cookies 2 for $1, Rice Crispy Squares $1

Pizza Fridays: For the next 2 Fridays (Sept 27 and Oct 4) we will continue to offer 2for1 Pizza. 1 slice for $3 or 2 slices for $5. Pick it up in the foyer. 

No student will go hungry at HHSS! If you need food, forget your lunch or need support purchasing food for lunches please talk to Mrs. Mills or Mr. Gage. 

Dates for our events, sports, excursions & activities are on the HHSS calendar on our website

Sept 27: Progress Reports go home
Sept. 30: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (Orange Shirt Day)
Oct. 2: Parent/Guardian & Teacher Night
Oct. 9: Terry Fox Run & Red & White Day
Oct 14: Thanksgiving Holiday
Oct. 25: PA DAY
Nov. 7: Photo Retake Day

HHSS is on Facebook and Instagram if you want to follow us to get information and updates.
[email protected]
Student and Family Handbook (linked here)
Please reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.


updating the events calendar
Updating our Events Calendar
students making pizza
Students in the Hospitality class making homemade pizza for the school!
selling pizza
Students selling Pizza to help raise money for their Leadership Camp!
skyscraper puzzles
Math Puzzles during the first week of school!
working in the wood shop
Working in the wood shop!
teacher dress up day
Dress like a teacher day… Mr. Gaffney and Mrs. Searle looked great!
math class
Working together during Math Class!
class of 2028
Starting off our Grade 9 afternoon with a group 28… The graduating class of 2028!

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Safe @ School

Report form


School registration




Transportation info.

Haliburton Highlands Secondary School

5358 County Road 21, PO Box 390, Haliburton, ON K0M 1S0

Contact Us

School Schedule
Period 1
8:50 – 10:05 a.m.
10:05 – 10:15 a.m.
Period 2
10:15 – 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. – 12:25 p.m.
Period 3
12:25 – 1:40 p.m.
1:40 – 1:50 p.m.
Period 4
1:50 – 3:05 p.m.
School Tumblr Schedule
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
Block A
Block B
Block C
Block D
Block D
Block C
Block B
Block A
Block B
Block A
Block D
Block C
Block C
Block D
Block A
Block B

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