Important Information for Potential Graduates (June 2021)

Graduation Literacy Requirement:

  • The literacy graduation requirement will be waived for all students graduating during the 2020-21 school year. The Ministry of Education is continuing to explore a field test of the online OSSLT in Spring 2021, which could allow the opportunity for non-graduating students to write the test and have successful attempts counted on their transcript.

Community Involvement Hours:

  • The Ministry of Education has reduced the number of hours for 2020-2021 graduates to 20 hours and has expanded the methods for students to complete community service hours as follows:
    • At the principal’s discretion, schools may waive the restrictions that do not allow students to earn hours during the time allotted for the instructional program on a school day, or duties normally performed in the home (e.g., walking a younger child to and from school, helping younger siblings with school work).
    • Students aged 14 years and older can count up to a maximum of 10 hours from paid employment towards their earned hours at the discretion of the principal. Students counting paid employment towards their graduation requirement will be required to complete a reflection exercise indicating how their work contributed to the service for others.